Feline Whole Health Evaluation
Feline health is often overlooked and taken for granted, but a few changes in nutrition or environment can make life more enjoyable for all parties.
We believe in a whole-body, whole-family philosophy that balances the optimum care of your pet with the your specific lifestyle. Each wellness visit includes an assessment and guidance on age specific behavior & training, environment and risk based parasite prevention, nutrition counseling, the benefits of supplements, and healthy weight counseling. |
Recommended for All Cats
Rabies Vaccine
Feline Distemper (RCP) protects against three common and severe disease
- Required by law. Universally fatal disease in animals. Multiple positive reports in CO wildlife.
Feline Distemper (RCP) protects against three common and severe disease
- Rhinotracheitis: “feline herpes” causes chronic eye and upper respiratory infections
- Calici virus causes oral lesions and upper respiratory infections
- Panleukopenia attacks the bone marrow and immune system
Outdoor or Social Cats Only
Feline Leukemia Vaccine (FeLV)
Intestinal Deworming
- An important cause of illness and death among cats, especially in outdoor cats. Spreads via mutual grooming, sharing food sources, or cat fighting. Causes cancer (lymphoma and leukemia) and suppresses immune system.
- Core vaccines for all cats < 1 year and at-risk cats (outdoor, boarding, grooming).
Intestinal Deworming
- Provides control of roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms which persist in the soil year-round or in prey species such as mice, rabbits, and birds.
- These parasites are transmissible to humans and small children are at the greatest risk.
- Administered at home every 1-3 months to control parasites depending on hunting habits and environmental risk.
Senior Cats
Annual Bloodwork
- Recommended for Senior Pets to assess major organ function and address deficiencies before they cause deleterious effects to the pet.
- CBC: Assess bone marrow function, evidence of infection or anemia
- Chemistry: Evaluates proteins and electrolytes, indicating major organ function of the kidneys, liver, adrenals, pancreas, etc.
- Thyroid (T4): a screening test to look at thyroid function
- Urinalysis: looks for evidence of early kidney disease, bladder infection, or prostate disease