Canine Whole Health Evaluation
Keeping your best friend healthy is about more than just vaccines.
We believe in a whole-body, whole-family philosophy that balances the optimum care of your pet with the your specific lifestyle. Each wellness visit includes an assessment and guidance on age specific behavior & training, environment and risk based parasite prevention, nutrition counseling, the benefits of supplements, and healthy weight counseling. |
Distemper/Adenovirus/Parainfluenza/Parvovirus (DAPP)
Leptospirosis (Lepto)
Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
- Required by law. Universally fatal disease in animals. Multiple positive reports in CO wildlife.
Distemper/Adenovirus/Parainfluenza/Parvovirus (DAPP)
- Core vaccine, all dogs should be vaccinated due to severity and prevalence of disease.
- Four virus prevention that affect brain, liver, respiratory system, and gastrointestinal systems.
Leptospirosis (Lepto)
- Colorado is a high-risk area. Spread by wildlife such as raccoons, skunks, squirrels, rabbits, or deer.
- Can cause mild disease or fatal kidney & liver infections. Contagious to humans.
Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
- Protects against a major component of the kennel cough disease complex.
- Recommended for dogs that attend groomers, boarding facilities, dog parks, or doggie daycare.
Parasite Control, Prevention, & Testing
Annual Blood Parasite Testing:
Heartworm Prevention & Intestinal Parasite Deworming:
Flea & Tick Prevention:
- Ensures the heartworm prevention plan is working (missed doses, late doses, medication resistance).
- Heartworm preventatives do NOT treat adult worms, only prevent new infections.
- Many tick borne diseases have asymptomatic phases that warrant early detection.
Heartworm Prevention & Intestinal Parasite Deworming:
- A flavored treat to give monthly for life.
- PREVENTS but does not treat heartworm preventions (spread by mosquitos).
- Intestinal deworming against roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.
Flea & Tick Prevention:
- A flavored treat to give monthly from April-Oct to treat fleas & ticks.